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How to Repair Foundation Cracks

Your foundation is what supports your entire house, meaning you must make sure that it is sound. Not only do cracks in your foundation look unsightly, but they can also result in the eventual loss of structural integrity, which mean expensive foundation repair jobs. Take a look at your foundation to check for any cracks that require attention. The faster you fix them, the cheaper the repairs will be.

Hairline cracks can be repaired using a vinyl concrete patching compound. If that is, it is recommended by the manufacturer. You must apply a concrete bonding adhesive or primer to create the best bond between the patching material and the surface. Use a paintbrush and work the liquid deep into the crack and around the edges, then either wash the brush after use with some soap and water or throw it away.

Use a putty knife to apply the vinyl patching compound in layers as directed by the manufacturer. Mix a small amount of the patching compound for each layer, press it firmly to force it into the crack, and allow the allotted drying time between each layer.

You can also patch thin cracks using a cement mixture only if they are wide enough to take it. Mix the cement and sand with enough water to create a stiff paste in a small bucket. In a separate container, mix some cement with more water, just enough to make a cement paste.

If possible, paint the interior of the crack with the thinner mixture. It acts like a primer. Then pack the paste firmly into the split with a putty knife. Level the mixture and leave it to sit undisturbed for around an hour, then go over the surface with a float using a circular motion; this will blend it with the surrounding surface.

If you would like to make an appointment to discuss a foundation repair job, please contact On Your Side Foundation Repair at (903) 224 8560 now if you live in the Greenville, TX region.

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